Other Solutions

Churn Prevention


Segment customers between loyal ones and those
who are likely to leave

Identify Your Dissatisfied Customers. Reach Out and Retain Their Loyalty.

The cost of retaining an existing customer is far less than acquiring a new one. IT Researches sifts through your customer data to identify which customers are most likely to switch to a competitor and why, so that you can implement a targeted and cost-effective retention campaign in a timely fashion.

Accurately Predict Churn

Know in advance which customers are going to churn and why. Proactively take action on this insight to prevent their leave.

Retain Customer Loyalty

Customers have many product choices these days. Retaining their loyalty is critical to preserving your revenue stream. Predict when a customer is at a high risk of churning and pre-emptively retain their loyalty before it’s too late.

Dramatically Increase Revenue

Happy customers mean high revenue. Reducing churn is key to unlocking and retaining a potentially enormous revenue source for your business.

Identify Problem Areas

Identify where and how customers are experiencing issues with your organization’s product or service, and ensure you focus on improving areas that will have the highest impact on revenues.

Customer Lifetime Value


Quantify the potential of your customers and prospects.

Find Customers that will Provide Your Business with Future Revenue

Know in advance which customers will remain a revenue stream for you and help grow your business. Quantify the customers that are going to generate more sales and control marketing spend depending on the financial lifetime value of your customer or prospect.

Quantify Future Value

Predict the future value of a customer – even before she becomes one. Focus on valuable customers and optimize your revenue stream.

Increase Margins

Adjust individual marketing spend based on the financial value each customer brings to your business.

Segment by Value

Align your customer experience management system with various segments, depending on customer lifetime value.

Customer Segmentation

Know your customers.

Align Marketing Activities to Your Customers’ Expectations

By just looking at the data, IT Researches can give a face to your customers and identify common characteristics among customer groups. This allows you to align your marketing tactics and target marketing outreach to these groups.

Understand Your Target Markets

Get to know what attracts people and how products and services need to be marketed.

Market to Receptive Prospects

Select prospects that will respond to a campaign and become a new customer.

Optimize Conversions

Achieve increased success with your marketing outreach by improving conversion rates and reducing marketing spending.

Next Best Action

The right offer at the right time.

Send Customers the Right Message on the Right Channel at the Right Time

Go for a customer-centric marketing strategy and use IT Researches Solutions to determine the Next Best Action for each of your customers at any point in time. Driven by models capturing life-event patterns, buying behaviour, social media interactions, and other aspects, IT Researches can decide which customers need to be approached and on which channel; create the right message to send out to increase loyalty, intensify interaction with your organization and drive revenues. Easily integrate this information into your CRM and other relevant systems to provide a cross-channel experience on all connected sales points.

360 Degree Customer View

Get a holistic view of every single customer which will contain all the relevant information to interact with that customer. Not only know a customer’s past behaviour, but anticipate her future.

360 Degree Customer View

Get a holistic view of every single customer which will contain all the relevant information to interact with that customer. Not only know a customer’s past behaviour, but anticipate her future.

Integrate Multiple Channels

Provide an integrated customer experience across all marketing and sales channels.

Anticipate Increased Mobility

Embrace the change towards mobile channels and easily integrate predictions from IT Researches into applications to boost the mobile experience.

Predictive Maintenance

Predict machine failures and plan maintenance
measures accordingly.

Protect Your Business against Technical Disasters

Sudden malfunctions of technical equipment can stop a business on a dime, resulting in unmet delivery expectations, potential contract penalties, and lost revenue. Protect your business against technical equipment failures employing Predictive Maintenance with IT Researches.

Avoid Unplanned Maintenance

Implement predictive maintenance to predict future equipment malfunctioning and failures and minimize the risk for unplanned disasters putting your business at risk.

Avoid Unplanned Maintenance

Implement predictive maintenance to predict future equipment malfunctioning and failures and minimize the risk for unplanned disasters putting your business at risk.

Avoid Unplanned Maintenance

Implement predictive maintenance to predict future equipment malfunctioning and failures and minimize the risk for unplanned disasters putting your business at risk.

Root-Cause Analyses

Find causes for equipment malfunctions and work with suppliers to switch-off reasons for high failure rates. Increase return on your assets.

Product Propensity

Predict what your customers will buy.
Even before they know themselves.

Increase Revenues through Increased Conversion

Mash-up your customers’ online behaviour from social networks like Twitter and Facebook with their historic purchasing behaviour and understand what will influence your customers’ future purchase decisions. Predict the product propensity of customers to buy certain products and integrate these predictions with your operational systems to automatically provide recommendations that increase your sales and drive revenue growth.

Increase Conversion

Identify customers with a high probability to respond to a campaign, to purchase your product, or to subscribe to your services.

Optimize Product Recommendation

For each customer, calculate product affinities and optimize customer targeting through biography- and affinity-tailored recommendations.

Improve Customer Experience

Anticipate what customers like or need and improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Support Strategic Planning

Understand the customer-product segment matrix and be supported in adjusting your go-to-market strategies.

Quality Assurance

Identify product quality issues and resolve them
before they become a problem

Improve quality standards throughout your organization.

Customers have tremendously high expectations for quality. Not meeting these expectations results in lower satisfaction and loss of loyalty increasing customer churn and reducing the success of your business. Moreover, quality issues can lead to a large customer support overhead and high warranty costs. IT Researches insures your business against negative implications from quality aspects. IT Researches can detect quality issues at an early stage and predict their severity – before these issues become a problem to your business. Act on this information to provide feedback and revise production, to govern your customer support, and ultimately keep your costs under control and make your customers happier using quality assurance analysis.

Identify Production Issues

Early on, detect and solve problems in production and ensure that your equipment, machinery and processes are producing proper output and quality.

Reduce Warranty Costs

Improve overall product quality, know about quality issues as early as possible and adjust your warranty processes to substantially reduce warranty costs.

Better Customer Satisfaction

Build customer loyalty while enhancing your brand’s reputation by proactively addressing product quality issues.

Risk Modelling

Predict and understand the risk potential of certain actions or events

Mitigate risks and protect your business against potential threats.

Every business is exposed to risk and the emergence and appearance of risk can be varied. IT Researches helps you identify and mitigate risks to your business by providing accurate predictions and scores that foresee developments and quantify potentially negative developments. Decide and act on these predictions to safeguard your business against potential threats and avoid high-risk situations.

Accurately Forecast Developments

Predict price movements and economic developments that affect your business and may weaken your position in the market.

Detect Fraud

Identify nascent fraudulent behaviour and intervene to prevent criminals from contaminating your business.

Secure and Lock in Revenue

Predict threats to your business and pro-actively take measures to avoid financial losses.

Secure and Lock in Revenue

Predict threats to your business and pro-actively take measures to avoid financial losses.

Up- and Cross-Selling

Recommend products your customers will like

Deepen customer relationships by recommending the right mix of products.

Strong customer relationships are key to every business as they result in stable revenue streams. Enhance customer relationships and drive product interest and purchases by recommending the right mix of products at the right time. IT Researches empowers you to build cross-selling models in order to recommend complementary products that generate additional revenue. IT Researches also allows you to employ up-selling techniques to recommend products that yield higher profits. Make your customers happy by knowing and giving them what they want, while growing your business at the same time.

Accurately Recommend Products

Explore customer buying behaviour and leverage market basket analysis to accurately predict products that other customers will like.

Increase Revenue

Cross-sell – maximize your income and drive more individual customer purchases by recommending complementary products thereby increasing your average revenue per customer.

Increase Margins

Up-sell – drive customers to products that yield a higher profit and help to retain customers for a longer time.

Drive Loyalty

Understand your customers and provide them with relevant and timely information to ensure they remain satisfied and loyal.
